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July 26, 2021 3 min read

With the second wave of COVID-19 and all the sudden chaos it brought to our lives, it has not been easy taking care of our mental and physical selves. For obvious reasons, this year’s lockdown has hit us all in different ways than last year, and it makes it all the more vital for us all to take that extra effort to practice some self-care and self-love for the sake of our well being.

So here I have some tips that help me stay sane in these times, and I hope these will be of some help to you too:

Get adequate sleep

Aditi wears the Vira dhoti pants and Bharni bralette top 


This one is a no-brainer. I would be lying if I said my sleep cycle has not been affected, but one thing that has not changed is that even if I go to sleep late, I always try my level best to complete at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep to be rested and functional for the day.

Staying active to beat the blues

Aditi wears the Vira dhoti pants and Bharni bralette top  


Exercise is good for our mental and physical health and should be included in our everyday routine, just like other activities of daily living. Any form of exercise, be it yoga, cardio, weight training, or basic brisk walking, should be done each day for at least 30 minutes. There is a plethora of online videos that one can follow if one has trouble getting started.

Home cooked meals to stay positive

Aditi wears the Vira dhoti pants and Bharni bralette top  


There is nothing like a good nutritious, wholesome meal that can make me feel all good and happy. So, with this lockdown, I have started exploring more and more ways to make a simple meal tastier and healthier with trial and error (and becoming good at it too, I might add !)

Reconnect with friends and family to practice self love

Aditi wears the Vira dhoti pants and Bharni bralette top   


There is nothing like a good old meet-up (virtual) and gossip sesh with friends and family to lift your mood when the news updates bring you down, and that is exactly what I make sure to do more and more of while being cooped up at home.

pamper yourself to practice self love

Aditi wears the Vira dhoti pants and Bharni bralette top   


This one is my personal favourite. Take the time (really take the time) to pamper yourself by indulging in a nice long shower, your favourite bath gels, and afterwards, do your elaborate skincare and burn your favourite scented candle while you do so. 
You deserve it !

listen to music

Aditi wears the Vira dhoti pants and Bharni bralette top   


Did you know, in some cultures, music is actually used to ease the pain? Well, I’m not surprised. I am a firm believer that music has the power to make you cry, cheer you up, break you down, and can just influence you in ways little else can. So just make your playlist and listen to good music that lifts your spirit and makes your bleh mood go away!

read more

Aditi wears the Vira dhoti pants and Bharni bralette top   


“Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are”. Being an avid reader, I can certainly confirm this famous quote. It especially rings true at this time when we quite literally have to stay where we are. Why not pick up a book (or a kindle, like me) and find our escape?

meditate to practice self love

Aditi wears the Vira dhoti pants and Bharni bralette top   


And last but not least, take some time in the day to be with yourself and be mindful and present. Meditation can mean different things to different people. Some might listen to music, some might dance, some might chant, whatever works to calm your mind and collect your thoughts! My favourite form of meditation is playing a Tibetan singing bowl. There is something about the sound that makes me feel so much at peace and that is the need of the hour today.

These were some of the tips I have been following during this stressful time to keep myself mentally and physically feeling good. With these tips, my days have become a little bit easier. I do hope it helps you in your quest to find that perfect self-love routine in a time when everything seems overwhelming and hopeless. Much love <3

Aditi is a yoga practitioner and a Proyog ambassador. Do read more about her here and follow her on instagram.


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